Maximizing Options to Advance Informed Choice for HIV Prevention (MOSAIC) ‘s Nigeria team and FHI 360, in collaboration with the Government of Nigeria (GoN), implementing partners, and other relevant stakeholders supported the development of a training manual with resources for healthcare providers. The manual will enable healthcare providers to deliver high quality PrEP services to general, key and priority populations in Nigeria.
The MOSAIC project then conducted an intensive Training of Trainers (ToT) from 4th to 8th July 2022 in Calabar, Cross Rivers State, with 38 participants and facilitators from IPs, GoN and other relevant stakeholders in attendance. The training was focused on building critical trainers’ capacity to facilitate step-down training on Oral PrEP service delivery.
At the end of the 5-day intensive training, participants expressed gratitude to the MOSAIC project team for the opportunity to engage and collaborate with the MOH and other stakeholders. They also collectively agreed that the training manual and resources are effective and will be useful in defining the landscape of Oral PrEP implementation in Nigeria. A participant from Catholic Caritas Foundation said, “the training was interesting and highly engaging with different activities. I appreciate the fact that the materials and agenda were designed to create ample opportunities for thought-provoking discussion and group exercises. I say a big thank you to MOSAIC and all partners and stakeholders that contributed to the success of this training”.
Participants from the training will anchor step-down training in their respective state, at sub-national level. The participants for the training are representing IPs and Facilities across the country, they will then carry out step down training to HCW in their different Organizations and facilities across the country. The MOSAIC team will also print and distribute the final copies of the training manual.
MOSAIC receives great feedback from introduction of Empathways into the Oral PrEP ToT in Nigeria
On the last day of the ToT, six (6) Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) were introduced to the participants for a practical counselling session using Empathways. Three of the AGYW were PrEP naïve, while the others were informed about PrEP. During the session, each AGYW was paired with a participant with guidance from the facilitator, who used the questions and counselling tips on Empathways to counsel the AGYW about Oral PrEP. Each pair enjoyed the session, had an open discussion, and bonded through the exercise. The AGYW feedback at the end of the session confirmed that the questions and counselling methods helped them relax and speak out without fear of being judged or breach of confidentiality.
One of the AGYW said, “I would love to continue receiving services that are fun, comfortable and friendly like this. I have learnt about PrEP and am excited to share the knowledge with my friends. We need to be informed of more places to get these services”.
Also, participants expressed that the Empathways would be a potent method for providing services to Adolescents and Young People. A core facilitator from CIHP said, “I was excited to learn how to connect with the young girls and guide them towards making informed choices. I also noticed that with proper mentoring, the Empathways could be used by any Health care provider to provide these services to the younger generation”. The participant further highlighted the need for facilities to have sufficient trained healthcare providers who can provide these services in the absence of the designated counsellor. Another participant from NHVMAS stated that she would use the Empathways to bond with her children and guide them to make informed decisions.
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